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How To Stay Safe On A Trampoline

Tuesday, 25th February 2014

General trampoline safety tips

Trampolines can be a source of endless fun for children and grownups alike. But if you don’t stay safe when using a trampoline you risk injury to yourself and others. First of all you should always follow the safety procedures that are outlined in the documentation that comes with the trampoline. Below we have put together a general list of safety tips and hints you should follow when using any trampoline:

  • A trampoline should always be inspected before use. You should not use a trampoline when it is wet, shows any signs of damage, dirty or worn out. During the inspection pay specific attention to all the bolts, jump mat, frame and pads position.
  • A trampoline should be placed in a spot free of any hazards e.g. you should not place a trampoline under a tree, washing lines, too close to a fence etc.
  • Do not allow more than one person to use the trampoline at any one time. Most trampoline related injuries occur when more than one person is bouncing at once.
  • Never attempt to try any somersaults of any type- serious injuries can occur
  • All users should be supervised when on a trampoline regardless of their skill level or age
  • You should avoid using a trampoline that doesn’t cover/protect the bouncer from exposed springs. Injuries to the user can often occur when the springs are not covered up.
  • Remove all sharp objects from both the trampoline and the user
  • Never wear shoes on a trampoline
  • Never smoke on a trampoline
  • Do not use under the influence of alcohol
  • Do not use a trampoline if you suffer from high blood pressure or whilst you are pregnant

Remember you should always follow the specific trampoline safety procedures of your trampoline outlined in the documents provided.

How to stay safe when using a trampoline

  • Initial use of your trampoline

You should get accustomed to your trampoline and understand how much spring is in each bounce. The focus at this point should be body position and technique until each skill can be completed with ease and control.

Before you jump try and jump too high the technique for stopping should be learnt as this will help prevent injury should you feel you are jumping out of control.

  • Mounting and Dismounting

Be very careful when getting on and off a trampoline. Do not mount the trampoline by grabbing the frame pad, stepping onto the springs or by jumping onto the mat of a trampoline from an object (e.g. A deck, roof, or ladder)- this can be highly dangerous. Do not dismount by jumping off the trampoline and landing on the ground. If small children are playing on the trampoline, they may need help in mounting and dismounting.

  • Bouncing in a safe manner

You should always remain in control of your jumps and body position at all times and not attempt to perform skills that are beyond your own level of competence. Read and understand the jump by taking off and landing in the middle of the trampoline, this will help you to remain in control. Always jump vertically and refrain from bouncing towards the springs in any direction.

  • Do not try and perform any expert level moves like somersaults or flips

Somersaults of any type (backwards or forwards) on a trampoline can be extremely dangerous. If you make a mistake when trying to perform a somersault, you could land on your head or neck. This will increase the chances of a serious injury to the user.

Consult a professionally certified trampoline instructor before attempting anything beyond basic techniques.

  • Refrain from bouncing near the trampoline springs

When playing on the trampoline you should aim to stay in the centre of the trampoline mat. This will reduce the risk of being injured by landing on the spring frame. Always keep the frame pads covering the frame of the trampoline. Never jump or step onto the frame pad directly since it is not intended to support the weight of a person.

  • Never bounce with more than one person on the trampoline at a time

If you have multiple users (more than one person on the trampoline at any one time), you increase the chance of being injured. Injuries can occur when you fly off the trampoline, lose control, collide with other jumper(s), or land on the springs. Do not allow more than one person to use the Trampoline at any one time.

  • Keep the trampoline free from any foreign objects

Do not use the trampoline if there are pets, other people, or any objects underneath the trampoline. This will increase the chances of an injury occurring, do not hold any foreign objects in your hand and do not place any objects on the trampoline while in use. Do not place the trampoline under over-hanging objects like tree branches, wires, etc as these will increase your chances of being injured.

  • Be aware of weather conditions

You should be aware of the weather conditions when using a trampoline. If the mat of the trampoline is wet, the user could slip and injure himself/herself. If it is too windy, the user could lose control.

When used correctly a trampoline is a great way for children to keep fit and active. Trampolines are also hugely fun for children and adults alike just as long as you take into consideration general safety tips and procedures. Happy bouncing!



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